Source code for aronnax.driver

    import configparser as par
except ImportError:
    import ConfigParser as par

import os
import os.path as p
import subprocess as sub
import time

from future.utils import iteritems

from aronnax.core import fortran_file
from aronnax.core import interpret_requested_data
from aronnax.utils import working_directory

self_path = p.dirname(p.abspath(__file__))
root_path = p.dirname(self_path)

[docs]def simulate(work_dir=".", config_path="aronnax.conf", **options): """Main entry point for running an Aronnax simulation. A simulation occurs in the working directory given by the `work_dir` parameter, which defaults to the current directory when `simulate` is invoked. The default arrangement of the working directory is as follows: - aronnax.conf - configuration file for that run - aronnax-merged.conf - file to save effective configuration, including effects of options passed to `simulate`. This file is automatically generated by merging the aronnax.conf file with the options passed to this function - - relevant portions of aronnax-merged.conf in Fortran namelist format. Also generated automatically - input/ - subdirectory where Aronnax will save input field files in Fortran raw array format - output/ - subdirectory where Aronnax will save output field files in Fortran raw array format The process for a simulation is to 1. Compute the configuration 2. Recompile the Fortran core if necessary 3. Save the computed configuration in aronnax-merged.conf 4. Write raw-format input fields into input/ 5. Write 6. Execute the Fortran core, which writes progress messages to standard output and raw-format output fields into output/ All the simulation parameters can be controlled from the configuration file aronnax.conf, and additionally can be overridden by passing them as optional arguments to `simulate`. Calling `simulate` directly provides one capability that cannot be accessed from the configuration file: custom idealized input generators. """ config_file = p.join(work_dir, config_path) config = default_configuration() merge_config(config, options) with working_directory(work_dir): compile_core(config) # XXX Try to avoid overwriting the input configuration with open('aronnax-merged.conf', 'w') as f: config.write(f) # sub.check_call(["rm", "-rf", "output/"]) sub.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", "output/"]) sub.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", "checkpoints/"]) with working_directory("input"): generate_input_data_files(config) generate_parameters_file(config) then = time.time() run_executable(config) core_run_time = time.time() - then sub.check_call(["rm", "-rf", "netcdf-output/"]) sub.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", "netcdf-output/"]) convert_output_to_netcdf(config) return core_run_time
def default_configuration(): """Configuration defaults before parsing aronnax.conf. The configuration is represented as a ConfigParser.RawConfigParser instance.""" config = par.RawConfigParser() for section in sections: config.add_section(section) config.set("executable", "valgrind", "False") config.set("executable", "perf", "False") config.optionxform = str return config sections = ["executable", "numerics", "model", "pressure_solver", "sponge", "physics", "grid", "initial_conditions", "external_forcing"] section_map = { "au" : "numerics", "ar" : "numerics", "kh" : "numerics", "kv" : "numerics", "botDrag" : "numerics", "dt" : "numerics", "slip" : "numerics", "niter0" : "numerics", "nTimeSteps" : "numerics", "dumpFreq" : "numerics", "avFreq" : "numerics", "checkpointFreq" : "numerics", "diagFreq" : "numerics", "hmin" : "numerics", "maxits" : "numerics", "eps" : "numerics", "freesurfFac" : "numerics", "thickness_error" : "numerics", "debug_level" : "numerics", "hAdvecScheme" : "numerics", "TS_algorithm" : "numerics", "hmean" : "model", "depthFile" : "model", "H0" : "model", "RedGrav" : "model", "nProcX" : "pressure_solver", "nProcY" : "pressure_solver", "spongeHTimeScaleFile" : "sponge", "spongeUTimeScaleFile" : "sponge", "spongeVTimeScaleFile" : "sponge", "spongeHFile" : "sponge", "spongeUFile" : "sponge", "spongeVFile" : "sponge", "g_vec" : "physics", "rho0" : "physics", "nx" : "grid", "ny" : "grid", "layers" : "grid", "OL" : "grid", "dx" : "grid", "dy" : "grid", "fUfile" : "grid", "fVfile" : "grid", "wetMaskFile" : "grid", "initUfile" : "initial_conditions", "initVfile" : "initial_conditions", "initHfile" : "initial_conditions", "initEtaFile" : "initial_conditions", "zonalWindFile" : "external_forcing", "meridionalWindFile" : "external_forcing", "DumpWind" : "external_forcing", "wind_mag_time_series_file" : "external_forcing", "wind_depth" : "external_forcing", "RelativeWind" : "external_forcing", "Cd" : "external_forcing", "exe" : "executable", "valgrind" : "executable", "perf" : "executable", } def merge_config(config, options): """Merge the options given in the `options` dict into the RawConfigParser instance `config`. Mutates the given config instance.""" for k, v in iteritems(options): if k in section_map: section = section_map[k] if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) if v == True: v = "yes" if v == False: v = "no" config.set(section, k, v) else: raise Exception("Unrecognized option", k) def compile_core(config): """Compile the Aronnax core, if needed.""" core_name = config.get("executable", "exe") with working_directory(root_path): sub.check_call(["make", core_name]) data_types = { "depthFile" : "2dT", "spongeHTimeScaleFile" : "3dT", "spongeUTimeScaleFile" : "3dU", "spongeVTimeScaleFile" : "3dV", "spongeHFile" : "3dT", "spongeUFile" : "3dU", "spongeVFile" : "3dV", "fUfile" : "2dU", "fVfile" : "2dV", "wetMaskFile" : "2dT", "initUfile" : "3dU", "initVfile" : "3dV", "initHfile" : "3dT", "initEtaFile" : "2dT", "zonalWindFile" : "2dU", "meridionalWindFile" : "2dV", "wind_mag_time_series_file" : "time", } def is_file_name_option(name): return name.endswith("File") or name.endswith("file") def generate_input_data_files(config): for name, section in iteritems(section_map): if not is_file_name_option(name): continue if not config.has_option(section, name): continue requested_data = config.get(section, name) generated_data = interpret_requested_data( requested_data, data_types[name], config) if generated_data is not None: with fortran_file(name + '.bin', 'w') as f: f.write_record(generated_data) def fortran_option_string(section, name, config): """Convert option values to strings that Fortran namelists will understand correctly. Two conversions are of interest: Booleans are rendered as .TRUE. or .FALSE., and options that are input fields are rendered as the file names where `generate_input_data_files` has written those data, or the Fortran empty string `''` if no file is written (which means the core should use its internal default). """ if is_file_name_option(name): if config.has_option(section, name): # A file was generated return "'%s'" % (p.join("input", name + '.bin'),) else: return "''" if name in ["RedGrav", "DumpWind", "RelativeWind"]: if config.getboolean(section, name): return ".TRUE." else: return ".FALSE." else: if config.has_option(section, name): return config.get(section, name) else: return None def generate_parameters_file(config): with open('', 'w') as f: for section in config.sections(): if section not in sections: raise Exception("Detected unexpected section name %s", section) f.write(' &') f.write(section.upper()) f.write('\n') for (name, section1) in iteritems(section_map): if section1 != section: continue val = fortran_option_string(section, name, config) if val is not None: f.write(' %s = %s,\n' % (name, val)) f.write(' /\n') def run_executable(config): """Run the compiled Fortran core, possibly in a test or debug regime.""" core_name = config.get("executable", "exe") nProcX = config.get("pressure_solver", "nProcX") nProcY = config.get("pressure_solver", "nProcY") nprocs = int(nProcX)*int(nProcY) env = dict(os.environ, GFORTRAN_STDERR_UNIT="17") if config.getboolean("executable", "valgrind") \ or 'ARONNAX_TEST_VALGRIND_ALL' in os.environ: assert not config.getboolean("executable", "perf") sub.check_call(["mpirun", "-np", "1", "valgrind", "--error-exitcode=5", p.join(root_path, core_name)], env=env) elif config.getboolean("executable", "perf"): perf_cmds = ["perf", "stat", "-e", "r530010", # "flops", on my CPU. "-e", "L1-dcache-loads", "-e", "L1-dcache-load-misses", "-e", "L1-dcache-stores", "-e", "L1-dcache-store-misses", "-e", "L1-icache-loads", "-e", "L1-icache-misses", "-e", "L1-dcache-prefetches", "-e", "branch-instructions", "-e", "branch-misses"] sub.check_call(perf_cmds + [p.join(root_path, core_name)], env=env) else: sub.check_call(["mpirun", "-np", "{0}".format(nprocs), p.join(root_path, core_name)], env=env) def convert_output_to_netcdf(config): # TODO Issue #30 pass